
I have too many different projects…

Expert Table Tennis

I created Expert Table Tennis back in the summer of 2012. It’s grown a lot since then and now includes a popular blog, two podcasts, numerous table tennis coaching resources, and a thriving online community.


In February 2019, I started the Christian Rap UK playlist on Spotify. MXRCY has grown out of that and I’m actively looking for opportunities to support up-and-coming UK Christian rappers.

Eastfield Sporting Goods Co.

In 2014, I started a brand of table tennis equipment with Sam Priestley. Eastfield brings the finest quality sporting goods to the world of table tennis. We’ve got big plans for growing the brand in 2019 and beyond.

Pipehouse Gin

This is a new business that I’m working on. We’re creating flavoured gin! Pipehouse Gin launched in June 2018. So far, we’ve got two flavours; Earl Grey & Cucumber, and Pink Grapefruit & Thyme.

Power Pong

I am the official and exclusive distributor of Power Pong table tennis robots in the UK and Europe. Power Pong’s three-wheel table robots provide players with a fully realistic training experience.

Table Tennis University

I took over the running of Coach Tao Li’s Table Tennis University in 2016. TTU is the best and most comprehensive online table tennis training program in existence! It’s hosted on the Teachable platform.